Wednesday, December 12, 2007

In the Beginning...

It all starts with an idea. An inspiration. You see something, hear something, experience a moment that kicks the whole thing off. Often it's hard to figure out just when that moment was, but once it's happened you know it.

Then there' s the crossroads. Ideas are great, but there's another moment, sometimes immediately after the moment of inspiration when you must decide whether or not you're going to let the idea in. Most of us have these great ideas all the time, but most of the time we never answer the knocking, and most of the time we don't even know we did it.

On the other hand, you can decide to answer the door. Sometimes this is purposeful, but like most of life, sometimes it "just happens". You had the idea, then you came back for a second look. Then a third, and before you know it you're invested.

So, you found the seed, you even planted it, but it will still die if it doesn't get fed. This part can be pretty fun for the first days or weeks, but sooner or later it becomes easier and more fun to watch TV instead. Most of the ideas that survive the first stage don't survive this one.

That's where my idea is at right now. I've reached a point where all that watering is starting to wear me down. My enthusiasm is waning, and I'm not sure all the sweat and risk is really going to be worth it.

This is where you have got to get back to your inspiration. What made it so exciting to begin with? What was it that caused you to take a second look? Who did you talk to who encouraged you and made you feel even your wildest ideas could work? Get back to that place, pick up the watering can, and watch that little seed grow into a mighty oak.

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